When we're learning how to achieve balance in the environment we're inserted into, we may have doubts about how to face some challenges and difficulties life presents to us. Therefore, we need to keep consciousness at hand, observing, analysing, and understanding what happens deep within, drawing suitable strategies to deal with what's before us. Whether believing in a supreme God, we need to seek understanding in everything we do in life. Otherwise, we're doomed, destined to keep ourselves in an infinite loop of suffering, blindfolded by our own ignorance. The moment we realise the importance of knowledge, it's the moment we understand how to activate our third eye to consciously walk the path towards a meaningful life.

We need to understand what we've deep within to learn how to face darkness in the environment we're inserted into. It's extremely important that we understand how darkness operates, which implies opening our third eye to recognise the patterns of negative conditioning, establishing a strong and resilient posture against any obnoxious behaviour we may experience in the present moment. It's important we prepare the self for the worse, aiming to achieve the best version of ourselves every single day. No matter what we're facing in the present moment, we need to remember how astonishing we're, and how powerful we become while keeping consciousness at hand.

There are moments we need to explore, and moments we need to observe carefully what surrounds us. While exploring, we need to acquire priceless pieces of knowledge to understand the path we're navigating through. During moments of observation, we need to use all the knowledge we've already acquired to recognise possible challenges and difficulties we've faced before, enabling the self to use a different strategy more suitable for the moment.

It is by exercising our capability of exploring, observing, and adapting to the distinguished situations we experience every single day of our existence that we can evolve into our personal evolution, tapping into the unlimited power we've deep within, and attaining higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XL_u4cWyG0ze8FjM5gdoc_slaeapdXZM/view?usp=sharing

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