One important thing that helps to improve our body and mind training is not blindly believe in everything we listen to from someone else, or hear in the surroundings. We need to use any acquired information as a hint to search for the facts, which means that we've to either experience it on our own, or receive scientific proof that something works as it has been said. The illusion of blindly believing in anything without facts may lead to the escalation of suffering, which implies generating more conflict based on something that can be an intentional plot to cause chaos in a meticulous and planned way. The more we realise that important detail, the better we can face the presence of darkness in the surroundings.

It's extremely important that we understand the path of a meaningful life is a personal journey of discovery. As the majority of the processes related to our personal growth have no scientific proof, we need to experience them on our own, achieving the clear knowledge and understanding of what has been said. Buddha, the enlightened one, has a wonderful teaching about that, which says we cannot blindly believe in his teachings. We need to experience them on our own, accepting or rejecting a given teaching when applying it to our own perspective and relativity. That is the process of hypothesis testing, which may lead (eventually) to producing a scientific method and proof associated with something we're experiencing.

When we blindly believe in something we've heard or listened to, we assume the risk of being deceived, which implies experiencing a period of suffering derived from a negative conditioning we're subjected to in the environment we're inserted into. When we support the development of our astonishing intelligence with no proof and facts that can be verified, we become part of a deceptive environment full of illusions, where no one is able to say with 100% certainty the truth related to something we've heard or listened to.

The moment we realise the importance of having our own experiences and/or getting proof of everything we hear or listen to, it's the moment we understand the path of personal evolution, which leads to a strong, sharpen, and resilient self against the presence of darkness in the surroundings.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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