We need to be nature. We need to be connected with nature. We need to incorporate nature deep within to be able to face darkness no matter the circumstances. We need to clearly understand that darkness is an organised group of stones, whose goal is to do harm and disrupt the natural course of life of every sentient being with the luck of having contact with that source of hate and negativity. Instead of trying to put aside the stones, which is hard to do the majority of the time, we need to acquire the proper knowledge required to live in harmony with the presence of stones in the surroundings, being alert and prepared to deal with obnoxious behaviours and negativity promoted, generated, and being configured as a threat we need to overcome while walking the path towards a meaningful life. The more we realise how to deal with the stones generating negativity in the surroundings, the easier would be performing our body and mind training and being prepared to deal with the negative conditioning we're subjected to, establishing a strong yet peaceful posture to walk the path towards a meaningful life, living in harmony with the universe itself.

Dealing with an organised group of stones is not easy. Actually, it's the hardest duty we've to do in our entire life journey. There's a popular sentence written by Nemo Nox that says (in Portuguese): "Pedras no caminho? Guardo todas. Um dia vou construir um castelo."; in literal translation to English it means: "Stones in the path? Let's keep all of them. One day, I'll build a castle.". The author of the sentence has described the stones as all the obstacles we face in life, which pose challenges and difficulties during our life journey. Therefore, as he has specified, we need to remember all of those bad moments in order to step into our personal evolution.

We need to learn how to face the stones and deal with their associated negative conditioning properly. The stones are organised. They are tireless and with huge numbers. We may meet a new different stone every single day, exhibiting a similar deteriorative behaviour, and we may pass our entire life without knowing all the existing stones we could've to face on this planet we call Earth. As a consequence, we need to find a suitable strategy to live along with stones, making the self strong enough to feel not intimidated by their presence, which sometimes is persistent, inconvenient, and extremely unpleasant.

Cultivating and establishing a strong body and mind is essential to face stones and deal properly with their presence. The moment we realise how to recognise the presence of stones (i.e., darkness itself), and get prepared to face all negativity associated with their presence, it's the moment we understand how to be connected with nature, living in harmony with the planet and the universe no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k6IKdYiHjNrkYKsxppdqkaXbMjTkknRJ/view?usp=sharing

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