It's important we learn how to defend the self in a conscious and meaningful way, choosing well and consciously the equipment more suitable for the moment of facing darkness and dealing with the negative conditioning we're subjected to. The difference between establishing a self-defence posture, and a brainless and unconscious mind experiencing a period of suffering is the attitude before an awful situation. We can learn it from observing buddhist monks, who master martial arts and the use of different types of equipment, yet exhibiting an extremely peaceful posture, which is resulted from years of performing their body and mind training. It's inspired by them that we've to learn how to defend the self in a conscious and meaningful way, remembering the most important rule of all time: caring about life as the ultimate goal.

What makes the difference is not the equipment we've at hand but how we use it to establish a posture aligned with our love nature, forming a symbiotic bond between our body, mind, and anything that has been utilised for doing good. It's then essential we create a body and mind connection with any type of equipment we've at hand, making it as part of our own body we can use to defend the self in awful and difficult situations.

We're much better and stronger than we can ever imagine. We can learn how to do extraordinary things, and becoming the best version of the self every single day is one of them. We can develop different martial arts styles, delving deeper into something suitable to our body, our mind, our current situation, and the path towards a meaningful life, which has been carved by the self.

We've the power at hand to become legends, and we just need to learn how to properly use the resources we've at hand, remembering the golden rule of using all knowledge and wisdom we've acquired to step into our personal evolution, defending the self against the presence of darkness when in the face of an attempt of harming the self or someone else we care about. It doesn't give us the rights of retaliation but the condition of being prepared for anything, anytime, and at any circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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