It's time to realise how powerful we can be when keeping consciousness at hand. It's time to understand the intrinsic bond we've with nature, and how we can use it in our favour while facing darkness in the environment we're inserted into. It's time to understand that suicide is solution for nothing. Let's use our consciousness to realise and understand what happens in the present moment, adapting the self to the situation in order to draw a suitable strategy capable of boosting our inner-strength to the very moment we get ourselves out of what we've no intention to be in anymore. The moment we realise how powerful we become while being patient and learning from unfavourable situations, it's the moment we understand how to enjoy unpleasant journeys, as they enable us to grow exponentially, waiting patiently for the very right moment we liberate the self from suffering, getting away from a deteriorative situation once and for all, as sand getting away with the wind.

Let's use our huge capability of surpassing our own limits, adapting the self to unpleasant and obnoxious situations we've no control of, at the same time, we've no available resources to move away from. Thus, we need to adapt as fast as we can, changing the way we approach, observe, and deal with anything in the surroundings. We need to recognise the presence of darkness and the negative conditioning we're subjected to in the environment we re inserted into. Identifying the patterns is essential to identify the sources of awful situations without mixing and mistaking them as part of our own suffering. There are two distinguished sources of negativity: one within, which is related with a period of suffering we may have experienced; and another on the outside, which is part of a period of suffering someone else has experienced. We need to identify all of them, understanding our own suffering and diminishing the negative impact of external sources of negativity towards the self.

The moment we get a clear picture about how to identify the presence of darkness in the surroundings, and therefore, sources of negativity in the environment we're inserted into, it's the moment we understand how to adapt to their presence until either getting away or rid of them in a conscious and meaningful way, as part of our personal evolution.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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