
  It’s essential cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, understanding how astonishing we already are, and how important it’s recognising that. We’re constantly overwhelmed by a huge amount of negativity every single day, which may disturb us if we cannot strengthen our body and mind in a conscious and meaningful way. We’re astonishing creatures of love with an unlimited source of power deep within. Let’s be light and everything is alright. Let’s perform our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way, acquiring a deeper understanding of the unlimited power we’ve deep within. It’s important to appreciate who we’re, establishing a strong and solid foundation to support anything we experience and do. The more robust is our foundation, the more confident we become in observing, analysing, and understanding anything we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s time for self-care and self-respect. It’s time for opening our third e...
  Darkness is constantly attempting to convert people to harming others as a way of life, showing that suffering is extremely vivid and painful if we don’t start being dishonoured, deceptive, and opening room for promoting hatred culture. Being part of such a culture represents the diagnosis of a community related to Nazism and any other past ideology where segregation of ranks, slavery, and the brainless actions of a brainwashed belief that considers themselves as superior race gets conditioned to lock consciousness somewhere within. I, personally, cannot accept anything from someone who is threatening my life by constantly imposing a conditioned ideology that says I’ve to accept a place as an inferior being, who hasn’t got the privilege of not being a slave. If my karma is to keep reincarnating, generation after generation, to care about life as the ultimate goal, supporting the abolition from darkness and hatred culture, so be it. Cultivating the beautiful light we’ve deep withi...
We need to realise and understand the importance of getting prepared for facing darkness and dealing—in a conscious and meaningful way—with any type of obnoxious situation happening before us. Being prepared implies putting ourselves on the track of the path towards our personal evolution, and that is what we need the most in the present moment. It’s only when we’re getting prepared to deal with the unknown that we can start attaining higher levels of peace of mind, which is essential to diminish the possibility of getting hurt when facing darkness and dealing with any mind in suffering attempting to harm lives through brainless and conditioned actions. The more we’re aware of the duty of caring about life as the ultimate goal, the easier it’s to perform our body and mind training, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, stepping into our personal evolution, and walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. Let’s get prepared. There’s ...
  Forgive but never forget. When we read such a sentence and use a literal, unconscious, and conditioned interpretation, we may end up storing wrong and negative information of something that should provide us priceless pieces of knowledge. Let me give you an example. If we’re walking through nature within an environment with trees and grass, and out of the sudden a snake appears and bites us, what should we remember from such an episode? And, more important, what priceless piece(s) of knowledge could we extract from that? Focusing on suffering and negativity leads us towards forcing and conditioning ourselves, e.g., into never walking through a similar environment again, never having contact with a snake, attempting to kill every snake we see, and so on. Those are easy picks for avoiding knowledge acquisition and a deeper understanding of what has just happened. When we don’t use our consciousness and inquisitive mind to understand the scene, realising, e.g., we have stepped over ...

Quote of the Week

“Being resilient has nothing to do with fitting external expectations but becoming stronger, faster, and wiser to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings, dealing with any source of negativity in a conscious and meaningful way.” — Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp). Available also in a signed pdf version:
  When dealing with the presence of darkness in the surroundings, it’s important we attain the clarity of mind required to not get intimidated by anything happening in the surroundings. It doesn’t mean that we assume a careless posture; it’s exactly the contrary. It’s by caring about life as the ultimate goal that getting not intimidated by the presence of darkness means being prepared to deal with anything, which requires us to keep up with our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way. It’s only when we’re genuinely aware and awaken to what happens in the present moment that we can realise and understand how unlimited the power we’ve deep within is, and how resourceful we become when attaining higher levels of peace of mind, which is an essential foundation to apply self-defence manoeuvres to prevent anyone or anything from harming our life and the lives of defenceless and innocent people that are with us. Let’s understand who we really are. We need to go deep into...
  Do you know why darkness keeps itself in the surroundings? The answer is simple: the goal is making people collapse, being submissive yet capable of doing brainless actions against random and innocent people sharing some characteristics they’re enforcing in their surroundings. Together with keeping a constant presence, violations of fundamental human rights orchestrated by darkness have a clear meaning: performing the negative conditioning to make people manifest anger towards random and innocent people who haven’t been involved with such violations. All in the name of an ideology of superior race, which was present in ancient societies prior to the one established during the Nazi regime. It’s essential we keep consciousness at hand to understand how important it is to perform our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way. The moment we realise that, it’s the moment we understand how we get prepared to face darkness and deal with anything before us, no matter the c...