It’s time to realise and understand that we need to wake up to the presence of darkness in the surroundings. We need to face it in a conscious and meaningful way, understanding that giving up solves nothing, and committing suicide just throws away the priceless gift of life we’ve received. We’re stronger and more resilient than we could imagine. We just need to find the right purpose of life, liberating the self from any period of suffering we’re experiencing, and stepping into our personal evolution to attain higher levels of peace of mind, tapping the unlimited power we’ve deep within. The illusions we’ve contact with are vivid. The huge amount of negativity and the chaotic environment we live in are the result of hatred culture dominance. Instead of deteriorating the self in public regarding being powerless against deception and tyranny, we can choose to enhance the self, becoming as stronger as needed to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in
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There’s a huge natural motivation to be aligned with our love nature, and such motivation is based on the understanding that we step into our personal evolution when experiencing genuine happiness and joy. The only way to achieve a strong and steady alignment with our love nature is facing darkness and dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. The more we realise that, the better we understand the idea of becoming a conscious part of the universe, implying the attainment of higher levels of peace of mind and evolution in total synchrony with nature, experiencing the benefits of the love we all have the power to cultivate and nurture deep within. It’s time to realise and understand how important keeping consciousness at hand is for attaining higher levels of peace of mind. When talking about peace of mind the understanding is related to releasing any negativity that we may have deep within, enabling the cultivation and nurture of o
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Being connected with the universe represents a way of diminishing the negativity we’ve contact with until becoming totally aligned with our love nature, attaining a fusion point where we can distinguish the self from the universe we’re part of no more. It’s by keeping consciousness at hand, attaining higher levels of peace of mind, that we can walk the path towards a meaningful life, stepping into our personal evolution to manifest the unlimited power we’ve deep within. The more we’re aware and awaken to who we really are, the better we understand why the path of light is orthogonal to the path of darkness. There’s no way of embracing darkness, following the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into, and promoting hatred culture while walking the path towards a meaningful life. The path towards a meaningful life is the path of light, and the path of light is orthogonal to the path of darkness, which is cultivated, nurtured, and established on top
Quote of the Week
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“It’s by keeping consciousness at hand that we can realise and understand the presence of darkness in the surroundings, setting the self apart to attain enligthenment and be fully connected with the universe.” — Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp). Available also in a signed pdf version:
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It’s extremely important understanding why we need to step into our personal evolution, enhancing the self until we get totally aligned with our love nature and the universe itself. Such a fully alignment enables us to move as a whole unit combined with everything that make us alive, removing the need of the self, i.e., we become part of something bigger that is walking towards the same direction, consciously and meaningfully. We can imagine it as a group of people who have attained the same understanding of suffering, and therefore, any conscious decision regarding how to deal with negativity would be the same. Unfortunately, darkness uses a distortion of such a concept, which instead of promoting the use of consciousness, enforces the conditioning of the unconscious mind, implying individuals presenting the same behaviour by the simple fact they’ve been conditioned to do so rather than attained the same understanding to perform a similar decision. This minor yet fundamental differe
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When we’re exposed to so much negativity we need to step into our personal evolution, surpassing our own limits to succeed in trespassing the barriers imposed on the outside. If we’ve difficulties thinking about that subject, it helps to visualise a war scenario, imagining we’re in the middle of World War II—in a concentration camp—and we need to get out of that awful environment with no need to embrace negativity for doing so. In that sense, we need to trespass a Nazi barrier without direct confrontation, stepping out of our own suffering at the same time we make suitable use of the resources we’ve at hand. The moment we trespass such a barrier, it’s the moment we need to keep stepping into our personal evolution, understanding we need to face darkness, dealing with negative conditioning and all negativity generated by the ones experiencing deep periods of suffering in the surroundings. We all know that the Nazi regime has created an awful environment threatening the development of li
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We’re the product of our motivation, strength, resilience, and willingness combined, resulting in an astonishing creature with an unlimited power when aligned with our love nature. We can reach unimaginable levels of peace of mind, strength, and concentration if the goal is stepping into our personal evolution, caring about life as the ultimate goal. There’s nothing we cannot defend the self from, no matter how powerless we may feel in the present moment. The feeling of being powerless is resulted from a period of suffering we’re experiencing, which wrongly stimulates our mind to think we can do nothing to defend the self from the presence of darkness in the surroundings or the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. The truth is that we actually can, and it’s only possible to realise and understand that the moment we stop looking to the outside and start to cultivate, nurture, and develop the beautiful light we’ve deep within. We’ve all the p