
  There’s no secret but seeking understanding of what happens in the present moment, identifying and recognising the presence of darkness in the environment we’re inserted into. The goal isn’t to embrace the negative conditioning we’re subjected to, which may imply attempting to vanish the presence of darkness in the surroundings. The clear goal of identifying the presence of darkness is taking it as an opportunity of learning what we shouldn’t do on purpose with a human being, using the chaotic behaviour established as a training camp to enhance the self as a matter of stepping into our personal evolution. The moment we’re sure of the presence of darkness in the surroundings, it’s the moment we get ready to face anything, and deal with any situation, with the difference that identifying darkness enables us to know where the sources of external negativity are, and how we could handle them if, and only if, required to for the moment. The understanding of the situation implies never forg
We need to find the wonderful melody of living a life generating happiness from the inside out. It’s astonishing to find a positive vibe where we can walk the path towards a meaningful way no matter the circumstances. We’ve no fear of the presence of darkness, racism, discrimination, neo-nazism, or any type of discriminatory movement, group, society, family, organisation, or anything promoting and cultivating hatred culture throughout the planet. The moment we start cultivating happiness deep within, it’s the moment we understand how powerful, fearless, strong, resilient, and unstoppable we already are. It’s the awakening we need to attain from the inside out. The clarity of mind to realise and understand nothing aside from our love nature has power over the self, no matter the circumstances. Racism, discrimination, neo-nazism, or any type of hatred culture we observe on the outside are resulted from periods of suffering experienced by others. Thus, we just need to ask the right questi

Quote of the Week

“The better we understand who we really are, the easier it is to accept the duty of facing darkness no matter the circumstances.” — Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp). Available also in a signed pdf version:
  It’s essential that we understand how important it’s to be in the present moment, focusing our efforts on the evolution of the self instead of putting all the attention on the outside. The outside should be used as a training set, a source of negativity that is almost impossible to generate on our own. We need to take advantage of it to practise our body and mind training, enabling the self to attain higher levels of peace of mind while walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. The moment we get used to dealing with sources of negativity on the outside, it’s the moment we get ready to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings, anytime and anywhere. Cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within is a way of protecting the self from any type of negativity we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s fundamental that we get aware and awaken to the need of establishing a personal fortress hermetically closed to neg
  We already know the dirty work of darkness, and the deteriorative behaviour it promotes in the society we’re part of. The real problem we need to deal with is that darkness plays hide and seek, which means that they cause the damage to hide moments later, playing death as being unaware of what happens in the present moment. Darkness is an organised criminal minority, which takes advantage of a majority that has no consciousness of what happens behind the scenes. That majority just get a distorted version of the tip of the iceberg but there’s a huge, and usually, completely different history we need to learn how to get proof of. The war between Russia and Ukraine is an example of that. The manipulation of both sides is quite obvious, promoting mass destruction and harming human lives on both sides. As we’re conditioned to acquire no understanding of things, we continue to see the influence of darkness making more victims, and transforming the world in a dishonoured place to live in. D
  It’s essential that we realise how astonishing the power of our mind is, enrolling into the path of understanding its nature and magnitude properly. There’s no secret a conscious mind cannot acquire knowledge about, and there’s nothing that can stop a motivated mind to seek the truth and face darkness all along no matter the circumstances. The intimidation of darkness works as the establishment of a motivation pillar to diminish its influence and power, beginning deep within, freeing the self from the influence and dictatorship of anything related to the promotion of hatred culture. The more we realise our duty of being aligned with our love nature, the better we understand why facing darkness is a duty we need to be aware, awaken, and conscious to perform. The first step of facing darkness in a conscious and meaningful way is realising and understanding why it is important for our self-evolution. When we look to the society we’re part of, seeing people profiting from the suffering o
  Keeping consciousness at hand is fundamental for enabling the self to segregate the reality we experience from the illusions we’ve contact with. It’s essential we keep the self in the present moment, learning priceless pieces of knowledge from the past, and having no worries about the future we’ve no idea of. We need to focus on the present moment, dealing with challenges and difficulties before the self right here, right now. We need to establish a strong and resilient posture to face darkness, dealing with the negative conditioning we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into in a conscious and meaningful way. Let darkness keep negativity while we take the opportunity to enhance the self, stepping into our personal evolution by channelling our efforts in enhancing our physical strength and mind longevity. Step by step, with no need to rush, we’ve the opportunity of becoming the best version of the self no matter the circumstances. Let’s observe the environment we’re in