
When we start recognising and observing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, we start understanding the deception promoted by the values linked to hatred culture is able to corrupt any established regime. Monarchy, parlamentarism, presidentialism, communist, democracy, i.e., any type of organised regime we may think of can be corrupted. When we start thinking “why?”, we understand the answer is quite simple. Every regime to be successful and work requires a solid foundation of honour, respect, and love. If people are honoured, which means they treat each other as equals no matter the hierarchies imposed by an adopted regime, everyone becomes an essential part of the whole, which means understanding how important being honoured with the self and others is. That is the idea behind the tales of the round table established by King Arthur of Camelot. Thus, the moment we realise the very deep concept of family, community, or any other organised group can only be successfully establi...
    Learning how to observe and recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings is essential to the duty of walking the path towards a meaningful life, no matter the circumstances. Although the priority is dealing with and diminishing the influence of any type of negativity within our own perspective and relativity, it’s also important to be aware of external sources of negativity creating and imposing challenges and difficulties we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. The better we understand the difference of the aforementioned sources of negativity, the easier it is to draw suitable strategies to face and deal with them in a conscious and meaningful way, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within during our life journey. When we’ve contact with the promotion of hatred culture at any cost, what we see before us is a fabricated chaotic behaviour, which the intention is harming people, diminishing their intrinsic ability to cultiv...
Personal evolution. It’s by acquiring as much knowledge as we can, exercising our intrinsic ability to think, and developing our capability of reasoning that we can step into higher stages of our personal evolution. We start experiencing and understanding things that only the ones who’ve reached similar stages would be able to understand, implying the possibility of easily observing, reading, analysing, and recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings. The higher the stage we step in our personal evolution, the easier it is to enhance our body and mind training, drawing suitable strategies for dealing with any source of negativity we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into. Let’s get aware and awaken to the unlimited power we’ve deep within, and we would be able to attain higher levels of peace of mind to perform extraordinary things within our own perspective and relativity. Cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within enables us to attain...
  Animals (human beings included) are usually extremely good at recognising patterns, which means they dictate their behaviour based on pattern recognition. However, when negative conditioning takes place, blocking the natural ability of a human being to think, people start getting mad and performing brainless actions, which are extremely difficult—almost impossible, sometimes—to understand. If you’ve a hard time of picturing and understanding what I’m saying, let me give you an example. If we get a lion after birth and treat such a lion with kindness and love, besides their natural ability as a predator, they start behaving very kindly with us. However, if they get conditioned in a negative way, put in a cage and treated with actions based on hate, they start being very aggressive, which implies they (somewhat) start recognising the pattern they have been treated in everything they have contact with. If we open the cage, such a lion treated with hate will attempt to kill everythin...
  When we’re in the face of an imposed challenge, we need to think carefully: Is putting in a lot of effort to deal with all negative energy before us worthy? Usually the answer is no. If it’s an imposition it means there’s no reasoning involved, which implies that the answer for dealing with such a challenge should involve spending as little energy as possible to reach almost the same result at the end. Let’s think about the metaphor of the automatic stairs. If we need to get fit, we turn it off and run over them; if we need to reach the surface fast, we turn it on and do the same as the goal is getting fit; if we’ve an injury, we get on the stairs and let the automatic flow take us to the surface. When we think carefully, we understand the strategy is almost the same, although the actions and goals we’re able to achieve depend on us and the environmental condition we need to face. Thus, we start thinking: What is the goal I need to attain today? The moment we realise that, it’s t...

Quote of the Week

“When life presents us an imposed challenge we need to relax. Putting so much effort focused on  something with no capability of reasoning is effortless. We need to get very relaxed, instead.  We need to keep consciousness at hand, using our intrinsic ability to think, and the wonderful capability of reasoning, to step into our personal evolution.” — Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp). Available also in a signed pdf version:
Cultivating, nurturing, and manifesting the beautiful light we’ve deep within requires training. However, it’s not a type of training that we just need to follow instructions to attain a given result, having little or no understanding of the whole process. The training we’re talking about requires the understanding of our own perspective and relativity, creating suitable strategies that are adapted to the self, enabling us to extract the full potential of our body and mind in a conscious and meaningful way, step by step. It’s by understanding how to perform our body and mind training that we can get truly and fully prepared to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings, being able to deal with any source of negativity we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into. Let’s keep making progress and stepping into higher levels of our personal evolution. It’s important we attain the clarity of mind needed to understand how to learn and interpret the difference between a re...