
  One essential lesson we need to learn is how to summon all negative energy we’ve contact with to produce a result that benefits the self and other innocent people, as well as genuine and conscious minds who face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to every single day. The idea is very simple although it takes motivation, training, and practising for doing so. The principle starts with us polarising our body and mind with similar vibrations of the negative energy we’ve contact with, instead of creating an energy field with opposite vibration, i.e., creating an energetic resistance. There’s a small secret: we keep consciousness at hand and peace of mind no matter the circumstances, cancelling the deteriorative side-effects of that energy we’re vibrating into. In that way, we’re capable of spending much less energy dealing with a huge source of negativity than we would spend in other ways. Let’s remember this method is effective if, and only if, we’ve no...
It’s important we recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings to be aware of what really happens in the present moment. One thing that needs to be very clear in our mind is that darkness’ followers have lost their ability to think, which means they’ve been conditioned to behave using the same patterns. If we keep consciousness at hand, we’re able to easily identify such patterns. Another important thing that needs to be clear in our mind is that darkness fears conscious beings in a magnitude that even if we’re surrounded by thousands of its followers, it’s like being surrounded by no one. People who have the goal to harm others are cowards, and they’ve been conditioned to be cowards at the very sense of the word. Thus, although it’s important to get prepared to deal with the unknown, which includes exceptions aside from that rule, let’s keep consciousness at hand to understand cowards don’t bite, i.e., most of the time the one who is attempting to harm us is the one doing it...
  We need to be aware of what happens in the present moment, realising the types of threats we need to deal with, which have a clear and direct relation to who we really are. With the dominance of hatred culture, and the growing pattern of disregarding the merit and knowledge of people who don’t come from wealthy families, we need to acquire as much knowledge as we can, getting prepared to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s important to be aware of the presence of dishonoured people within our family and different groups we’re members of, understanding those people can be jealous of our progress and success, which implies an additional care regarding who we talk to and share information with. As a measure of care, keeping distance from dishonoured people, and establishing a family and group of close friends who’re honoured and have the back of one another, is ideal...

Quote of the Week

  “The more aware of what happens in the present moment we’re, the better prepared we can be to face and deal with the unknown.” — Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp). Available also in a signed pdf version:
  Dealing with violations of fundamental human rights also implies identifying and recognising we aren’t in the right place where those rights are truly enforced. Let’s imagine we’re in a warzone, in the middle of the battlefield. It’s extremely difficult, or almost impossible, to enforce fundamental human rights within a conflict zone. In order to get out of the battlefield without any harm, we need to find a way of heading towards a place outside the borders of the conflict, ideally using a strategy that requires no fighting. However, we need to get prepared for fighting if it’s required to guarantee our freedom away from the battlefield. Let’s not mistake getting away from the battlefield as desertion. On the contrary, getting away from the battlefield in a conscious and meaningful way is ensuring we’re protecting life as the ultimate goal, getting better prepared for dealing with the true reasons of the conflict, using our wisdom from a place and position where our physical int...
  We need to keep consciousness at hand to prevent us from stepping into a period of suffering in a way that leads to the path of becoming a slave of it, and therefore, following the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. The presence of darkness in the surroundings is the catalyser that accelerates such a process. It’s why we need to perform our body and mind training for facing the presence of darkness in surroundings in a conscious and meaningful way. The moment we learn how to recognise and identify the presence of darkness in the surroundings, it’s the moment we understand how to enhance and adapt a suitable strategy for stepping into our personal evolution, attaining higher levels of peace of mind, and walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. We need to erase any possibility of accepting slavery and its values within our own perspective and relativity, and we can only do that by keeping consciousness at ...
  It’s extremely important we find a way to step into our personal evolution, surpassing any obstacle, challenge, or difficulty we’re experiencing in the present moment. It’s also essential we understand the difference between external and internal deals, which implies the observation and understanding of the presence of darkness in the surroundings versus observing and understanding our own suffering. The moment we realise how to close the deal related to our own suffering, it’s the moment we understand how to get prepared for facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, no matter the circumstances. Performing our body and mind training is the foundation of any strategy we may use to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings. Our body starts getting stronger and more resilient against external threats that may impose different types of poisoning of what we eat and drink in the environment we’re inserted into. Our mind becomes more sharp and prepared for recognising...