When we start recognising and observing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, we start understanding the deception promoted by the values linked to hatred culture is able to corrupt any established regime. Monarchy, parlamentarism, presidentialism, communist, democracy, i.e., any type of organised regime we may think of can be corrupted. When we start thinking “why?”, we understand the answer is quite simple. Every regime to be successful and work requires a solid foundation of honour, respect, and love. If people are honoured, which means they treat each other as equals no matter the hierarchies imposed by an adopted regime, everyone becomes an essential part of the whole, which means understanding how important being honoured with the self and others is. That is the idea behind the tales of the round table established by King Arthur of Camelot. Thus, the moment we realise the very deep concept of family, community, or any other organised group can only be successfully establi...