It's important we fulfil our duty of stepping out of our own suffering, diminishing and confining any type of negativity generated deep within. It's also important to recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings, which is essential to understand the types of challenges and difficulties we've to deal with in the environment we're inserted into. The moment we start identifying and recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings, it's the moment we understand that we need to be prepared to face and deal with anything, no matter the circumstances.

It's extremely important we start identifying and recognising that we need to put aside all the stones posing challenges and difficulties in the environment we're inserted into. We've no control of their presence and behaviour if not proving they're trespassing the limits of our personal space and privacy, and therefore, the only effective measure of dealing with any type of obnoxious behaviour we've contact with is enhancing the self in a conscious and meaningful way.

As a measure of self-enhancement, we need to perform our body and mind training, attaining higher levels of peace of mind to be able to tap into the unlimited power we've deep within, which is required to deal with any threat before the self in the present moment.

Buddha, the enlightened one, has provided a wonderful teaching that says no one can do anything with the self without our own permission. That teaching is materialised in different types of legislations and norms all over the world, where our full and clear consent is required to perform anything that involves the self. With that knowledge at hand, we're sure anything performed with the self without our full and clear consent can constitute a violation of fundamental human rights. However, in order to present a statement of the occurrence of that prohibited behaviour at a court of law, we need proof, and most of the time, acquiring such a proof is extremely challenging. Therefore, we need to learn how to deal with violation of fundamental human rights in a conscious and meaningful way, preventing the self from stepping into a period of suffering while dealing with such an awful situation.

The moment we realise how to establish a strong, resilient yet peaceful posture against any negativity we've contact with in the present moment. It's the moment we understand how powerful we're within our own perspective and relativity.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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