Sometimes we've a limited view of the outside, restricting the possibilities of identifying the presence of darkness in the surroundings. That limited view is derived from a period of suffering being experienced, restraining our capability of keeping consciousness at hand in the present moment. Thus, instead of grasping what happens on the outside, we need to be focused on the inside, enhancing our resilience against any type of negativity growing silently deep within. The moment we realise how to take advantage of such negative energy, converting it into a positive outcome, it's the moment we get prepared to attain higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances.

We need to learn how to let go, liberating the self from the grasping feeling of not being able to move away from an unpleasant situation we've no control of. We need to develop a suitable strategy to adapt the self for dealing with obnoxious situations accordingly, taking advantage of posed situations to practise and sharpen our body and mind training. The more we practise our training, the easier it's to face the unknown and any type of event derived from the impermanence of the universe.

While experiencing suffering, we can activate our consciousness to observe, analyse, and understand some details we could not be aware of from an outside perspective. We can acquire much more knowledge by the simple fact of putting the self into a kind of surrogate mode, where our consciousness is active but letting its unconscious counterpart get on the driver's seat just to see the path it'll walk through.

The moment we use our consciousness wisely, observing, analysing, and understanding the self and the environment we're inserted into, it's the moment we understand how to face darkness in a conscious and meaningful way, keeping the self in the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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