It's important we exercise our patience to wisely use our consciousness, opening our third eye to clearly see what happens in the present moment. The moment we've understood a period of suffering we've experienced, it's the moment we can start observing the surroundings to identify with a higher probability the source of the chaotic behaviour we've to deal with in the environment we're inserted into. It's by performing such identification that we can draw suitable strategies to deal with threats we've no control of, and at the same time, we've to ensure we embrace no negative conditioning being promoted. It's only by keeping consciousness at hand that we can establish a strong yet peaceful posture where the orchestrated chaotic scene we're observing have no power within our own perspective and relativity, letting darkness with no option but show themselves, and therefore, enabling us to properly face and deal with the associated negativity in a conscious and meaningful way.

The orchestration of chaos is based on the triggering of hate by causing small incidents capable of influencing an unconscious mind to do harm to another sentient being. It's the pure essence of negative conditioning, which an unconscious mind is not able to recognise and deal with in a conscious and meaningful way. The escalation of hate is just a result of a negative conditioning expanding itself, similar to a ripple effect where a small event gets propagated and reproduced to cover a broader scope and reach a bigger geographic area.

We've the duty to understand our own suffering, preventing the escalation of chaos and hate to succeed. It's clear as crystal that any type of violation of human rights configures the small incidents causing multiple and parallel ripple effects, achieving the intended escalation of hate. We need to generate love, and therefore, we've to let hate aside. However, we've the duty of getting prepared to perform self-defence manoeuvres if the promotion of hate starts knocking our front door, and attempting to enter our home with no previous invitation.

The answers we seek about the cessation of suffering and associated hate in the reign we've full control of is deep within. We just need to find the suitable way of ringing the right bell, and everything will make sense, even things we've had no explanation of.

If each one of us performs the duty of looking inside to find where the source of hate is, we can achieve the global peace we work hard to achieve with much less effort than we've to perform if searching on the outside where we've no control.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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