We need to cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we've deep within, flourishing it In the middle of the environment we're inserted into, no matter the circumstances. It's important we learn how to recognise and face darkness, dealing with the negative conditioning we're subjected to in a conscious and meaningful way. There's no secret for a conscious mind. We just need to wake up, unlocking the unlimited power we've deep within at our own pace, step by step, stage by stage, with no fear of what is in the surroundings. The more we do it, the easier it's to realise and understand how unique, astonishing, and resourceful we're on our own.

We need to realise and understand better the uniqueness of the self, mainly when in the middle of awful scenes and dealing with obnoxious situations. We cannot be neither conditioned nor restrained to something aside from our love nature if we keep consciousness at hand. It's a matter of attaining clarity of mind in order to properly use our third eye, observing, analysing, and understanding the illusions we've contact with in the present moment.

The truth is the truth, and we need to stick with that no matter what we observe in the surroundings. If we observe deceptive and dishonoured behaviours as a norm, it cannot be used as an excuse to do the same, embracing the negative conditioning we're subjected to. Those behaviours are wrong, and they will be wrong for eternity no matter the circumstances. We need to keep consciousness at hand to realise and understand that.

Let's use an example to better understand what a deceptive and dishonoured behaviour means. If we start a relationship with a person and we clearly establish an agreement of keeping it monogamous, which means we become the only lover of one another, if we break such an agreement to have sex with another person, we're experiencing a period of suffering. We've been weak on following a simple rule, and therefore, there's no excuse for that agreement's violation. We're wrong and it's nothing we can do to change that experience to something representing truth, i.e., good behaviour according to the established agreement.

Stepping out of the aforementioned period of suffering is clearly understanding the wrong nature of that behaviour, and therefore, walking a path aside from what we've experienced. The moment we realise that. It's the moment we understand how to step into our personal evolution.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SoqYKNjshvs0NAfqP8m8s_Q-5o1Hbj_I/view?usp=sharing

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