In life we navigate through the impermanence of the universe, the unknown we've to discover every single day of our existence. We need to become skilled in the art of exploring the environment we're inserted into, recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings, which makes the duty of walking the path towards a meaningful life even more challenging, mainly if we also have to deal with violations of fundamental human rights along the journey. Let's not be intimidated by that. It's important to get full clarity of mind to understand how important it is to be the ruler of our own mind. Therefore, we can navigate freely and be aligned with our love nature, getting prepared to face anything life presents to us no matter the circumstances.

Let's do what we can do better: be aligned with our love nature. It's time to realise and understand we've the full power and control of our own life, even if inserted into an environment where we need to live alongside with different and deteriorative understandings of what means being in control. There's no environment or anything in life capable of imposing things to the self without our own permission. Buddha, the enlightened one, has given that astonishing teaching ages ago, and it's still actual and valid.

We need to be prepared to deal with the presence of darkness and obnoxious situations we may have contact with in the present moment. It's time to be totally sure of what we're facing, peeling out all the layers of it to see through our third eye the true intentions of what's really before the self. The more we do it, the better we can use awful situations to enhance our capability of attaining higher levels of peace of mind.

We also need to become skilled in self-defence, either receiving a formal training in martial arts from a skilled master, or developing our own techniques to be prepared to defend the self if required to. It's important that we keep clear in mind that any self-defence technique cannot be used to perform any type of intentional and violent harm to others, out of a brainless and unconscious action.

The moment we realise the astonishing and unlimited power we've at hand, it's the moment we understand how to draw suitable strategies to keep walking the path towards  a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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