We already know the dirty work of darkness, and the deteriorative behaviour it promotes in the society we’re part of. The real problem we need to deal with is that darkness plays hide and seek, which means that they cause the damage to hide moments later, playing death as being unaware of what happens in the present moment. Darkness is an organised criminal minority, which takes advantage of a majority that has no consciousness of what happens behind the scenes. That majority just get a distorted version of the tip of the iceberg but there’s a huge, and usually, completely different history we need to learn how to get proof of. The war between Russia and Ukraine is an example of that. The manipulation of both sides is quite obvious, promoting mass destruction and harming human lives on both sides. As we’re conditioned to acquire no understanding of things, we continue to see the influence of darkness making more victims, and transforming the world in a dishonoured place to live in.

Dishonour is one of the pillars in the foundation of darkness. As a consequence, it’s very easy for a conscious mind to identify the presence of darkness in the surroundings. We just need to follow the dishonoured trace leading us to the identification of the whole group in a snap of fingers. The challenge isn’t identifying brainwashed believers promoting hatred culture but facing a social system that has dishonour in the roots of its existence. It’s to enhance the self, stepping into our personal evolution, that we perform our body and mind training, attaining higher levels of peace of mind while walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. Playing the hide and seek game associated with the illusions promoted by darkness requires a strong will and motivation of liberating the self from any material value that isn’t essential for our survivability. The moment we reach such a level, it’s the moment we can start playing the hide and seek game of darkness, where manipulation and lies are on the top of the board.

Have we asked why Ukraine has been attacked by Russia? Have we asked why Ukraine has done the same with Russian cities on the borders? Have we asked why innocent Ukranians and Russians will pay the huge bill of the war without having the choice to say NO to that awful conflict? It’s easy to start asking the right questions but it gets hard to obtain the proper answers in a society dictated by dishonour even in the Army, which should be an honoured institution.

The real problem we’re dealing with is related to experiencing periods of suffering. It’s just by understanding our own suffering that we can see why the suffering of people with direct influence in states cost the whole population of a given area a hard time, and sometimes, unmeasurable losses.

The moment we realise facing darkness within our own perspective and relativity contributes to making the world a better place to live, it’s the moment we understand we can only attain genuine global peace when the majority of people start waking up to what happens in the present moment.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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